- Government
- Private Sector and Not for Profit
- Job evaluation/classification
Recruitment / Executive Search / Testing
Private Sector and Not for Profit
Job evaluation/classification

CEO and Senior Management Recruitment and Selection
The Futures Group has a demonstrated track record providing recruitment and selection services across a range of industries, organisation’s, Boards, professional groups and the Not-For Profit sector. We have well developed interpersonal and facilitation skills and experience to work with Boards and Executive teams to fill CEO, Director and specialist positions.
We have extensive experience undertaking executive search processes, conducting assessment centers, and supporting the selection process with targeted strategies to attract a diverse workforce across a range of different executive and senior management levels.
We are experienced in identifying any blockages in recruitment and selection processes and streamlining processes, redesigning jobs and partnering with organisation’s to development recruitment processes to match the organisational culture and job requirements.
We can also provide assistance in developing Employment Contracts and Performance Agreements.
The Futures Group’s point of difference is our dual capacity to provide human resource and recruitment expertise, enabling us to bring our corporate knowledge of organisational issues to provide a strategic understanding of the requirements of a CEO and senior executive positions.
Our approach focuses on selecting candidates that align with your values, offer longer term retention potential, and our proven methodologies and streamlined processes. Nothing is left to chance in ensuring new executives make a seamless transition into your organisation.
Government Recruitment
The Futures Group has been providing specialist recruitment services to government for over 20 years through the Common Use Agreement (CUA). We have a team of highly experienced consultants who have worked across the public sector, at all levels (level 2-CEO), to develop a sound theoretical and practical understanding of the Public Sector (PS) Standards in human resource management and the issues and challenges facing the public sector.
Our consultants can act as scribes, members of a panel or can chair the process on behalf of the client to allow them to concentrate on candidate responses.
We ensure the alignment of the recruitment process with the PS Act through;
- the application of fair and consistent practices;
- the adoption of quality assured processes;
- the provision of clear, meaningful and constructive feedback to candidates;
- a clear paper trail for audit and review processes.
The Futures Group has successfully managed all aspects of small and large scale recruitment and executive search processes and never had a successful grievance lodged against any process.
We have successfully attracted a competitive pool of applicants and appointed first rate applicants through targeted search processes, when standard recruitment initiatives failed.
Executive Search
Motivational, Behaviour and Leadership Testing
A range of highly validated psychometric tests are available to support the evaluation of individual capabilities, styles and motivations to inform selection.
A selection process that is built on a strategic understanding of your business, a range of targeted executive search and recruitment and assessment tools to support the process means your organisation is consistently and efficiently assessing and selecting outstanding high performing candidates for senior roles.
Assessment Centres
We have a range of cost effective, practical and evidence-based strategies to ensure ease of assessment for all stakeholders. Assessment centers can be conducted for small and large group selections.
Assessment centers can focus on a series of tests, simulations, presentations and/or group exercises all designed to predict how well a candidate will perform in a specific role.
Job Evaluation and Classification
Job evaluation and classification services are a way for an organisation to determine the worth or value of a job in relation to other positions in the organisation to make fair and equitable remuneration decisions.
Many organisations need an independent review of their workforce remuneration and want to create an unbiased reward system based solely on job content to avoid any perception of bias or favouritism,
The Futures Group develops targeted job evaluation processes to match your industry award, EBA or provides job evaluation and classification services for many government and private sector organisations.
We have demonstrated experience developing job evaluation systems for private sector and local government organisations and using the WA Governments BIPERs and Mercer classification systems to evaluate jobs under various awards and levels up to Senior Executive Service (SES) positions.
We provide stand-alone systems to be used internally by HR departments or once we have established a system, we can manage it and provide independent advice, classification reviews and reports for all job levels.
An unbiased reward system is developed for the organisation based on job content which allows for ongoing independent assessments to be made of the worth or value of a job in relation to other positions. This provides staff with greater confidence in the process and supports remuneration decisions.
CEO and Senior Management Recruitment and Selection
Boards, professional groups; and
the Not-For Profit sector.
Executive search processes;
Conducting assessment centre’s for small and large groups;
Supporting the selection process with targeted strategies to attract a diverse workforce across a range of different executive and senior management levels.
Management Recruitment

Government Recruitment
The application of fair and consistent practices;
The adoption of quality assured processes;
The provision of clear, meaningful and constructive feedback to candidates;
A clear paper trail for audit and review processes.
Benefits The Futures Group has successfully managed all aspects of small and large scale recruitment and executive search processes and never had a successful grievance lodged against any process. We have successfully attracted a competitive pool of applicants and appointed first rate applicants through targeted search processes, when standard recruitment initiatives failed
Executive Search

Motivational, Behaviour and Leadership Testing
Assessment Centres
Job Evaluation and Classification

Benefits An unbiased reward system is developed for the organisation based on job content which allows for ongoing independent assessments to be made of the worth or value of a job in relation to other positions. This provides staff with greater confidence in the process and supports remuneration decisions. our benefits
A Few Reasons Why You Should Choose Us

A Few Reasons Why You Should Choose Us
We seamlessly merge two key components – Our professional HR consulting skills and experience with our strong practical business acumen to partner organisations to achieve meaningful solutions.
High standards of professionalism and integrity. Establishment of close working relationships.
We focus on continuous improvement to always do our best.
A different way of thinking, both inside and outside the box.