Workforce Development-Government Department
The Futures Group was engaged to support staff during a redeployment process following the abolishment of a team due to a change in government policy. The objective of the exercise was to provide the individuals with assistance in defining their core skills and expertise, as well as, identify areas of development. The information provided would assist the individuals and State Government in seeking alternative positions.
Based on the scope of work defined by the Department, skills assessments were developed by our specialist consultants through the evaluation of:
- individual CVs;
- cover letter and written response to the criteria of a nominated government position aligned with the individual’s career aspirations;
- a self-assessment developed by The Futures Group; and
- skill assessment interviews.
As third party references, performance history or input could not be acquired the individual’s skills were assessed against the job requirements and application criteria of the nominated position. Individual staff members and the Department were issued with a comprehensive evaluation, review briefing and report.
Most of the group successfully applied for other positions.